Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What were some common names during the civil war?

I don't want to know the names of any Generals or famous people, just regular names. I have to write a story for my social studies class and I can't think of any names. If you know any names (boy and girl) or any websites that would have names, it would really help. Thank you!

What were some common names during the civil war?
Which Civil war the English, American, Russian, Spanish?
Reply:Cleetus, Joseph, Abraham, Thomas, Andrew... pretty much most of the names from the New Testament... the Acts and the Letters being prominent... Paul

Women would be Mary, Marjory, Alison, Elizabeth
Reply:Thomas was a main name along with any bible name as well any name would be acceptable in a story, see more at http://bussinessmouse.googlepages.com

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