Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is there a website where I cand find common color names?

I'm trying to find a place where I can find common color names for as many colors as possible. Any help will be greatly apprecciated.

Is there a website where I cand find common color names?
go to they have colors galore,good luck
Reply:This site has colors..........

This one is fun....



Good Luck...It is really difficult to find sites with color names that are "real"! That was the best I could do!
Reply:Do a search for Pantone colors. Pantone is one of the graphics industry standards. (one of several) Designers can select from hundreds of colors and shades and specify, by number, the exact color they need. A printer can then look up the number in his Pantone catalog, and, either buy the color needed, or mix it according to Pantone formulations, from the standard CMYK colors available to them.

If you have any reasonably high level graphics progarm, these Pantone colors are already loaded in. Applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel DRAW, Painter, etc will have these, and OTHER color gamuts available for use and study.
Reply:Pantone colors are the most common. Search online


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